Discover JCDS

In your journey to find the best private school in Jacksonville, we are honored that you are considering Jacksonville Country Day School.

Jacksonville Country Day School
is the premier choice in elementary education in Northeast Florida. Our academic program, facilities, character education, after-school enrichment, and caring faculty are all well-known for their excellence.
At JCDS, we understand children and the process of educating them, every part of them — their minds, their bodies, and their hearts. We are passionate about children and what is best for them.

Through a very deliberate partnership with our families, we are committed to having confident graduates who are strong in character and academics, who can communicate effectively, lead by example, and show respect and compassion for others.
As educators, we know it is the process of getting there that is most important. It is about the journey — the everyday experiences that make the difference.

Childhood is the shortest, most important part of our lives. We need to make it impactful — we need to make it count. It is the foundation of everything else.
We allow children to play, to develop social and emotional skills, take risks, learn in a multisensory, integrated environment that supports development at every age. We know that children need to move a lot, learn from mistakes, problem solve, collaborate, and be able to create and express themselves.
In order to find success in the classroom, students at JCDS are surrounded by knowledgeable and caring adults who make sure our children feel loved and are learning and growing.

We provide enriching and engaging experiences for all of our students by using data and research to drive our instruction while varying the complexity for different learners.
JCDS offers a challenging and engaging curriculum to help our students grow and reach their full potential. Our character education program brings out the best aspects of their personalities. Our programs — including the 7 Mindsets, virtues of the month, and service learning — help develop understanding of positive human relationships. Our Spanish, physical education, and fine arts programs ensure that our students are well-rounded.

Words alone cannot accurately describe the wondrous world our students enjoy at Jacksonville Country Day School. Plan on a campus tour, whether in-person or virtual, to see for yourself. (See Visit Us, at the bottom of this page.)
At JCDS, the learning doesn't stop at the end of the school day. Fully 92% of our students participate in at least one after-school enrichment activity. Offerings include programs for students to be artistic, get active and move, as well as tackle problem-solving and academic challenges. Many activities are led by JCDS faculty and staff who are able to share their expertise or passions with the students. Others are led by local experts with whom we partner to offer new and exciting programs. All programs are carefully selected to offer our students a seamless extension of their academic day and that align with our mission as a school. 

The after-school enrichment program at JCDS is the most comprehensive of any elementary school in Northeast Florida. For more information, check our Enrichment page.

Facts and Figures

List of 9 items.

  • 100%

  • 19

    Acres of beautiful wooded land
  • 55%

    People of Color
  • 92%

    Students in After-School Enrichment
  • 1:1

    iPads beginning in Kindergarten
  • 5

    Days a Week of Both PE and Recess
  • 15

    Average Years of Experience for Full-Time Teachers
  • 16k+

    Books in the library
  • 400+

    Happy Students at JCDS

School News

Students "Deep Dive" into Big Things
More time to focus on special projects

In September, students participated in their first Deep Dive of the year, an opportunity for them to intensely focus on a creative project with our specialists. While students typically have one class with their specialist per week, Deep Dive allows the students to work with specialists for five consecutive days, providing them the time for more in-depth exploration, collaboration, and creativity.

"We give the students uninterrupted time to see a project through to the end without feeling rushed," said Director of Education Tonya Elstein.

In fifth grade, Art Specialist Alli Flores taught how ceramics can be created using several hand-building techniques. Snake-like coils can be used to make pottery by attaching and stacking them one on top of another.

"A stack of pancakes seemed like the perfect subject matter for this coil pot project," said Ms. Flores.

This project required students to focus on attaching their coils properly by scoring the clay and adding slip (clay glue). A round slab was used for the top and bottom of the pot.

Students were encouraged to decorate the lid by creating strawberries, blueberries, butter, and syrup if desired. When complete, the pots were glazed and fired to cone 06 (1,828 degrees).

The fourth-grade students learned about the executive functioning skill of planning in Enhancement Deep Dive, and what better way to learn and practice these skills than by planning and creating their own frighteningly fabulous Halloween party?

They were first given a CLUE about the steps in effective planning:

C - Consider what you need. 
L - List out all the steps and details. 
U - Understand possible issues that might arise when working in groups. 
E - Estimate the time and budget.

Students were placed in groups and tasked with collaborating to work out the details of their party. Each student in the group was assigned specific jobs to flesh out the fine details, including invitations, decorations, activities, and refreshments—all within their planned budget.

"I loved watching our fourth graders work so well together, collaborating, resolving issues, and creating some really fun Halloween parties!" said Enhancement Teacher Teresa Gore.

Third graders studied how plants grow in their unit on agriculture. Their Deep Dive project is called Innovations in Agriculture.

Students identified problems that farmers or local gardeners might face each day. Some of these problems include climate, the environment they live in, the amount of sunlight, the amount of water, weather patterns, and pests.

"It is crucial for elementary school students to understand the challenges faced by gardeners and farmers because these issues directly impact our environment, food systems, and communities," said Computer Science and Technology Specialist Cristina Knodel. "This knowledge fosters a sense of responsibility and awareness about sustainable practices and the importance of local agriculture."

Recognizing how environmental factors influence plant growth can inspire future generations to innovate and advocate for solutions, promoting a more resilient and sustainable food system that benefits everyone.

The second graders spent the week learning music for their grade-level show that will take place later this year. Music Specialist Jessica Barker has also been working on vocal exercises to help develop their singing talents.

"I'm enjoying this dedicated time to teach vocal technique and build successful habits before we begin our production week in October," said Ms. Barker.

Our first-grade Sharks met some of the most lovable characters in children’s literature. Besides enjoying multiple read-aloud books each day, students played games inspired by the characters, read "all by myself" in the Wong Family Treehouse, wrote friendly letters or postcards to the characters, and even created character sketch artwork of these 13 adorable characters.

"Our readers were thrilled to check books out of the library each day of this special cycle," said Literacy and Library Specialist Jen Currie. "Well done, first grade!"

We are looking forward to our next Deep Dive, scheduled for November.

Our Graduates

One hundred percent of 6th grade graduates from JCDS get their choice of local private middle schools.

Our Portrait of a Graduate captures the school’s core beliefs and how those are reflected in each of our students and graduates. We focus on the qualities that make our students uniquely prepared for middle school and beyond. It is this portrait that brings our mission to life and affirms the choice families make to send their children to Jacksonville Country Day School.

Visit Us

Jacksonville Country Day School is an independent and multicultural school dedicated to motivating and guiding students towards fully achieving their unique potential.